Daily Routine in Italian with the Sissi Anthusa Method

La mia giornata tipica

In this lesson, you learn how to describe your daily routine in the Italian language.

In this post, I will tell you a typical day with a mini-story in Italian. The story is part of the book “Choose Your Own Italian Adventure” where you will find many mini-stories in Italian built in a unique way: through a game. You can choose your Italian adventure just like in the gamebooks. Your choice will determine your story.

After the story, I’ll ask you simple questions about your daily routine to prepare you for real Italian conversations.

Let’s begin!

Watch the video!

Download the PDF file to read the story!

If you want to have more Italian lessons for free and learn more Italian grammar, Italian vocabulary, and Italian conversations with mini-stories, take a look at my blog where you can find many funny mini-stories in Italian and tips on how to learn foreign languages in effective ways

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